There are so many sophisticated rendering, animation, and special effects tools on the market, yet so few advanced modelling tools. Rhino's advanced NURBS modelling technology fills this gap. Modelling with Rhino has many unique advantages:
• Free-forms fast
• Faster modelling techniques than mesh modelers
• Any resolution mesh can be generated from Rhino Import many files types including 3DS, LWO, IGES, DXF, AI, STL, and most image formats
• Export to most animation products including 3ds max, Softimage, RIB, POV, VRML, and more Accuracy needed for manufacturing.
• No need to remodel
Some of the rendering tools available for Rhino 3D include: Brazil, Flamingo nXt, Penguin, and V-Ray. Our own logo and the images to the right were animated using the simple designer's animation tool: Bongo.
In addition to renderers for Rhino, we sell and support the complete range from the Chaos Group, including: V-Ray SketchUp; and V-Ray 3DS MAX.