New Commands in Rhino 7
AddMissingBlockAttributeKeysRestores the Attribute User Text that has been deleted from the properties of a block instance. |
AlignVerticesForces mesh or SubD vertices to the same location. |
BevelChamfers/fillets mesh or SubD edges with specified segments. |
BlockResetScaleResets the x, y, and z scales of a block instance to 1, or applies the best-fit scale to all axes. |
BridgeCreates faces to connect two SubD/Mesh edge chains. |
ClashThe Clash command uses clearance distance to detect clashes between two sets of objects. |
ClearAnalysisMeshesDeletes all surface analysis meshes in the model. |
ConvertTextToBlockAttributeTurns exiting text objects into block attributes. |
CreaseChanges smooth SubD edges/vertices into creased edges/vertices, or welded mesh edges into unwelded edges. |
DeleteFacesRemove faces from a mesh, SubD or Polysurface to create a hole. |
DragCopyThe DragCopy command creates a copy of the object being dragged at the current cursor location. |
EdgeContinuityUses line hairs to visualize distance, tangency and curvature difference between an edge pair. |
ExtrudeMeshExtrudes mesh faces and boundary edges with different direction modes. |
ExtrudeSubDExtrudes SubD faces and boundary edges with different direction modes. |
FillCreate SubD faces from SubD boundary edges. |
GrasshopperPlayerLoads and executes a grasshopper definition (*.gh, *.ghx) without showing the Grasshopper window. |
InsertEdgeInserts edges beside an edge loop or across an edge ring on a SubD or mesh. |
InsertPointAdds vertices and edges to a Mesh or SubD along the picked points on edges. |
InsetOffsets the edges of selected mesh or SubD faces in a certain distance towards the center of each face. |
IntersectSelfFinds self-intersections in curves and marks them with point objects. |
LayerBookMoves through the layers of a model sequentially, just like turning the pages of a book or a slide show for demonstration and training. |
LayoutsOpens the Layouts panel that manages the layouts in the model. |
LockViewportToggles the locking state of the current viewport. |
MakeSubDFriendlyMakes any curves SubD compatible. |
MergeAllCoplanarFacesCombines the faces of each planar region on a mesh, polysurface, or SubD into a single face. |
MergeCoplanarFaceCombines adjacent coplanar faces of a mesh, polysurface, or SubD into a single face. |
MergeCrvCombines curves connected end to end into a single curve. |
MergeFacesMerges a connected set of SubD or mesh faces into a single face. |
MeshSelfIntersectCreates polylines from self-intersections of mesh objects. |
MigratePluginsSearches for 3rd-party plug-ins installed for Rhino 6 to load in Rhino 7. |
MultiPipeCreates a SubD pipe frame with smooth conjunctions from intersected curves. |
NamedSelectionsOpens the Named Selections panel that saves selection sets. |
OffsetSubDMakes a copy of a SubD by moving its vertices towards the normal direction with the specified distance. |
PackageManagerAssists in the discovery, installation, and management of Rhino and Grasshopper plug-ins. |
QuadRemeshUses a unique algorithm to generate manageable polygon meshes, ideal for rendering, animation, CFD, FEA, and reverse-engineering. |
ReducePolylineUses the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to reduce vertices of a polyline. |
RefitTrimReplaces a trimmed surface edge with an untrimmed edge. |
ReflectMakes a SubD symmetrical across a reflection plane and merges both sides into a single SubD. |
RemoveCreaseSmoothes creased SubD edges/vertices, or welds mesh edges. |
RemovePerFaceColorsClears per-face display colors or rendering materials on polysurfaces or SubDs. |
RepairSubDInspects and deletes damaged components, wire edges, and Non-manifold edges on SubDs. |
ScaleTextHeightChanges the Model space scale value in the text properties of the selected text. |
SelDimOverrideSelects dimension objects that have style settings changed and different from the associated annotation styles. |
SelDimTextOverrideSelects dimension objects with non-default dimension text. |
SelectionFilterEdgesRestricts selection to edges of surfaces, meshes, and SubDs. |
SelectionFilterFacesThe SelectionFilterFaces command restricts selection to surfaces, mesh faces, and SubD faces. |
SelectionFilterNoneResets the filter settings. Object selection returns to the default behavior. |
SelectionFilterVerticesRestricts selection to object grips. |
SelEdgeLoopSelects a loop of mesh/SubD edges by picking an edge in the loop. |
SelEdgeRingSelects a ring of mesh/SubD edges by picking an edge in the ring. |
SelFaceLoopSelects a loop of mesh/SubD faces by picking an edge between any two faces in the loop. |
SelSubDFriendlyCrvSelects SubD friendly (compatible) curves. |
SlideMoves selected vertices (or vertices of selected edges) along adjacent edges. |
SnapToMeshObjectConstrains free mouse picks on the selected meshes. |
StepUnitsAndToleranceThe StepUnitsAndTolerance command prompts to select a STEP file and reports its unit and tolerance. |
StitchMatches the positions of a pair of mesh/SubD vertices. |
SubDBoxCreates a Subdivision box object. |
SubDConeCreates a Subdivision cone object. |
SubDCylinderCreates a Subdivision cylinder object. |
SubDCylinderCreates a Subdivision cylinder object. |
SubDDisplayToggleSwitches the appearance of all SubD objects between smooth and flat modes. |
SubDEllipsoidCreates a Subdivision ellipsoid object. |
SubDivideApplies iterations of the Catmull-Clark subdivision to whole Mesh/SubD objects or selected faces. |
SubDLoftCreates a SubD through selected curves that define the shape. |
SubDPlaneCreates a subdivision plane object. |
SubDSphereCreates a subdivision sphere object. |
SubDSweep1The SubDSweep1 command sweeps a shape curve along a rail curve to create a SubD. |
SubDSweep2The SubDSweep2 command sweeps a shape curve along two rail curves to create a SubD. |
SubDTorusCreates a subdivision torus object. |
SubDTruncatedConeCreates a subdivision truncated cone object. |
ToNURBSConvert objects like polycurves, extrusions, meshes, SubDs, true circles and arcs, to NURBS geometry components. |
ToSubDConverts a mesh, a surface or an extrusion object into a SubD object. |