Unlike architecture, product or jewellery design, in sculpture there are few constraints imposed upon the artist. And so sculptors demand tools that are similarly free of constraints.
Rhino 3D is the dreamland that empowers your mind's eye and the sandbox, or the clay wheel, in which to mould your sculptural forms into reality.
With Rhino 3D you can evaluate concepts, work on 3D laser scans of real objects from nature and apply RhinoResurf; or turn sketches into elegant digital maquettes.
Add Bongo with a renderer such as V-ray for Rhino / Flamingo / Brazil to animate kinetic sculptures with mesmerizing effects; simulate light sources in varying on-off states, both from within and upon your sculptures; use renders to experiment with texture, transparency, translucency and reflectivity. You can then even produce flat shaded comic style renderings or hand sketch effect art work from your computer models using Penguin to retain an artists look and feel to your exhibition proposals.
And finally, there are good industrial quality engineering and fabrication tools such as RhinoCAM and RhinoNest with which to realize physical maquettes, prototypes and the final art work.
The origin of the giant Kingfisher sculpture on the right, was a taxidermy Kingfisher held at the local Zoo's education centre. Using a desktop 3D laser scanner, 3DM-WORLD's Tim Elliot captured the form as a mesh input upon which beautifully fair surfaces in Rhino were fashioned that are infinitely scaleable. This model was then considerably enlarged and an offset surface created from which a polystyrene form was cut using 3DM-WORLD's CNC router. Fibre glass was then applied over this form, and upon this, the final Italian glass surface was applied by mosaicist Kate Millington.