
New - VisualARQ 3.0


  • Restore the option to override text size to object styles
  • Option to define linetype scale from the style attributes
  • Support “By Material” color
  • Allow custom print widths in section attributes and styles attribute
  • Link Section attributes with Rhino Section Styles
  • Change the term “By Parent” with “By Object” for style attributes
  • Section attributes by Layer


  • Clash & Clear report panel
  • Add hard clashes tolerance in clash tests
  • Highlight clash issues on top of the geometry
  • Add Zoom to Issue in Clashes context dialog
  • Avoid having to click ENTER to end the “show issue” command in the Clashes panel
  • Implement Clash level filter
  • Add a button to Run and pause the clashes analysis in the Clashes panel
  • Add “Zoom to issue” option in Clash and Clear panel items
  • Show objects in Set A and Set B in different columns, in the Clash-clear panel
  • Make description text wrap in the text box, in clash and clear styles dialog
  • Automate clash&clear pre-configurations

Grasshopper: Components

  • Add “Building” to Pipeline component
  • Change the default Max Aperture % value of Door component in Grasshopper to 50%
  • Guide components in Grasshopper
  • Implement opening styles’ valid host input/output
  • Handle component in Grasshopper
  • Allow roofs and slabs as host for windows/doors created from Grasshopper
  • Implement the Fixed Width and Height in the “Deconstruct Curtain Wall Fixed Dimension Cell”
  • Implement “Fill Width” and “Fill Height” options for “Curtain Wall Fixed Dimension Cell” component
  • Change the name of the “Set Property Value” component and its “Property” input
  • Change the name of the “Get Property Value” component and its “Property” input
  • Roof alignment in Grasshopper components
  • Remove obsolete Curtain Wall Mullion and Frame components
  • Add Custom profile to CurtainWall Frame/Mullion Grasshopper components
  • Reorder inputs in the Openings Options component
  • Max Aperture property missing in Door and Window Options
  • Add Edge Cut value to Roof Style Create a Decompose components
  • Define roof slopes individually from Grasshopper
  • Make Get Level detect the location of the wall path curve instead of the wall bounding box
  • The VA GH Pipeline component should support the retrieval of Block Definitions and Block Instances
  • The Get Level should give a list of levels
  • Show less Opening components on the VisualARQ GH Ribbon


Grasshopper: Styles

  • Support non-geometry output parameters
  • Wall styles from Grasshopper definitions
  • Curtain wall styles from Grasshopper definitions
  • Input geometry for slab and roof Grasshopper styles
  • Extend walls created from Grasshopper styles upwards
  • Show height parameter in the style properties panel window for walls created from a grasshopper style
  • Possibility to order output parameters in groups
  • Detect the “height” linked parameter in walls and curtain walls created as Grasshopper styles
  • Leave the 3D and Plan view representations checked by default when you create a new Grasshopper style
  • Join walls created from Grasshopper styles
  • Join options for walls created as Grasshopper styles
  • Be able to assign components to Model and Plan view at the same time
  • Automatic Horizontal alignment for doors and windows created with Grasshopper styles
  • Support for blocks inside Grasshopper styles definitions
  • Use different icons for Texts and Hatch components in Grasshopper styles
  • Do not convert extrusions into Breps in geometry output components used for Grasshopper styles


  • Support to import and export IFC 4 files.


  • Add Constraints icon
  • Change names in the Section Manager commands
  • “Filter by” option for output parameters in the Grasshopper Style Wizard
  • Change the term for “Guide rules” in the Properties panel
  • Show units for length property values
  • Show icons for the object types in the import and export styles dialogs
  • Profile manager command in the VisualARQ toolbar and Menu
  • Menu entries for Guides
  • Hide block name in VisualARQ object Properties panel
  • Icons for total row types
  • Group the Roof’s slope angle and area properties into one


  • Export layouts to DWG
  • Export multiple layouts to DWG
  • Option to export only the current layout
  • Make the DWG command cancellable with the escape key.
  • Insert tables in Layouts

Level Manager

  • Link Rhino and VisualARQ objects to Levels
  • Building contours
    • Show building boundary when creating it
    • Set the Building Boundary as a rectangle directly on the model
    • Extract building boundary
    • Allow the contour of a building to be removed
    • Save Building contour to the document
    • Add “Set building boundary” in the contextual menu
  • Allow buildings to be isolated
  • Allow buildings to be hidden
  • Allow levels to be hidden freely
  • Command to isolate levels
  • Sub-Levels
  • Synchronize level states in all viewports
  • Level states
  • Add options to create multiple levels on a building
  • Ask for confirmation after deleting a building
  • Improve the performance when working with different buildings with boundary
  • The isolate level action should change the CPlane to the isolated level
  • Update the position of CPlane when changing the elevation of a level
  • Detect numbers in level name pattern when creating multiple levels
  • Show Level elevation reference marks of only one Building in Elevation views
  • Tooltips in Level Manager
  • Change the text for deleting a building from the contextual menu
  • Icons for the floor/ceiling plan view options in the Level manager
  • Detect level and floor type when inserting 2D plan views from the level manager
  • “Set Plan View to Viewport” should adjust the view zoom to the building boundary
  • Make Sync Levels and Toggle Level’s elevation button always active
  • Organization of RCP commands in the Level Manager Toolbar
  • Disable the “Isolate” option when the building has no boundary
  • Set “3 meters” as the default value for Height between levels in the Multiple Level creation dialog.
  • Switch between Building Elevation and Document 0 Elevation in viewport elevation marks
  • Show Level Elevation in relation to the Z Document origin
  • Multiple selection of levels in the Level Manager
  • Show the tooltip for the Plan View Reference icon
  • Duplicate Buildings and Levels
  • Do not let a Construction plane be in a hidden level


  • Create boolean interferences between objects
  • Command or Option to change the order of intersection
  • Order new sizes alphabetically
  • Cleanup edges between elements with the same material
  • Be able to extract the subtracted or added solids individually
  • Subtract a VisualARQ object from another VisualARQ object

Object: Beam

  • Calculate the intersection between beams and walls, slabs, and roofs.

Object: Column

  • Extrude / extend columns to surfaces
  • Extrude / extend Column coating

Object: Curtain Wall

  • Curtain wall joints
  • Curtain wall from surface
  • Custom profiles for Mullion and Frame components of Curtain walls
  • Adjust division count in extended curtain walls
  • Move “Rotation” parameter to the profile tabs
  • Rename one of the two “length” properties in Curtain walls
  • Add “Elevation” property to Curtain walls
  • Change the default curtain wall height to “by style”
  • Options to “Fill Width” and “Fill Height” in “fixed-sized grid” curtain wall style
  • Rename curtain wall “gap” properties to “margin”
  • Rotate Curtain walls using the gumball or the rotate commands

Object: Guide

  • Structural guides
  • Link Rhino objects to Guides
  • vaGuideGrid command
  • Guides from curves
  • Manage guides through styles
  • Stretch dimensions when moving guides
  • Draw guides only in Perspective or Top viewports on the XY plane
  • Guides should link with both wall edges
  • Add option to do not link any object type to guides
  • Choose which elements can be altered by a guide style
  • Assign some default Top and Bottom elevation values to guides
  • vaSelGuide command
  • Control points to modify top and bottom elevation
  • Show guides plane only when you select it
  • Automatic naming control for guides

Object: Opening Elevation

  • Show handles and knobs in opening elevations

Object: Openings

  • Add Handle / Knob component for doors and windows
  • Determine Openings leaf width by fixed size or by %
  • “Auto” default value for leaf sizes
  • Tell an opening not to get linked to a wall
  • Option to control the Leaf Alignment in relation to the Frame component

Object: Plan view

  • RCPs in 2D plan views (Reflected ceiling plan)
  • Sort levels by elevation in the plan view “Level” property

Object: Railing

  • Make the _vaFlip vaFlip command command work on railings

Object: Roof

  • Control points for roofs created from surfaces
  • Move roof “Alignment” property to the “Location” category or tab
  • “All Slopes” property is not working when a roof is created from a surface
  • Roof from surfaces do not show the slab’s layer structure
  • Roof alignment
  • Add “Slab areas” property to roofs
  • Improve the creation of new roof styles

Object: Section

  • Create Sections with the “Clippable” option unchecked by default
  • Move End text setting of section styles
  • Change term “Length” by “Depth” in section lines
  • Orient section arrows in the same direction
  • Option to not show the apostrophe symbol in Section reference text
  • Identify a section in the model from a selection in the Section Manager
  • Mirrored section arrow symbols
  • Identify a section in Section Manager from a selection in the model
  • Allow ordering section list in the Section Manager

Object: Slab

  • Join slabs
  • Add Slab layer type
  • Join stairs and slabs
  • Join beams and slabs
  • Intersections between walls and slabs

Object: Space

  • Link spaces to levels
  • Option to not print the space boundary
  • Option to hide the space representation in 3D
  • Allow rotating the space label
  • Change the alignment of the text inside a space tag

Object: Stair

  • Join stair slab with walls and slabs
  • Edit the number of the first stair step

Table Report panel

  • Quantity take-offs in a dynamic report panel
    • Show tables in a Rhino’s dock view’s report list
    • Identify the elements in the table by selecting them in the model
    • Identify the elements in the model by clicking them in a data table
    • Bidirectional tables: edit table items on click
  • Add objects to tables, after having created them
  • Remove objects from the table row or by picking them in the model
  • Add total amounts at the ends of table fields
  • Table filters:
    • Filter openings and spaces by levels in tables
    • Filter objects by Level and Building in tables
    • Filter objects by object styles
    • Filter objects by Layer
    • Visual feedback when filters are applied to a table
  • Update VisualARQ 2 tables to VisualARQ 3 tables
  • Add a check on table style to activate/deactivate any column’s total row at once
  • Make tables always dynamic
  • Checkbox to define if a table is dynamic or not
  • Access table object or style properties from the layout
  • Tables “quantity” property field redefined in table styles
  • Possibility to change dots by commas
  • Table styles shortcut icon in the Table panel toolbar
  • Shortcut to edit the active table style
  • Order numbers properly in tables
  • Show table preview in the table styles dialogue
  • “Apply” option is available in table styles when you modify a field name or change the grouping options
  • Add a “Border” option to show the border of the total cell
  • Export numeric values in tables to number format
  • Do not add totals of openings Elevation in tables
  • Remove the unit symbols when exporting tables
  • Order tables by the “quantity” field
  • Add units in tables next to values
  • Assign automatically a name to the chosen property in the new style wizard

Object: Tag

  • Manage Tag information by style
  • Define the insertion point when creating a tag
  • Show tag preview in the tag styles dialogue
  • Allow formatting tag text

Object: Window

  • Insert windows in slabs
  • Insert windows in roofs
  • Allow windows to be rotated in 3D
  • Create windows from not vertical curves
  • Window Leaf size modifications (%, Units, Equitative) in Window Style and Window Style Wizard
  • Automatically update leaf size (%) in window styles


  • Major performance improvements when activating sections
  • Major performance improvements when activating levels
  • Slow performance moving or deleting slabs
  • Improvements in saving files


  • Profile manager. Edit custom profiles.
  • Specify the insert point when extracting the curve of a custom profile
  • Extract the curve of a custom profile
  • Rename “Profiles Table” with “Profiles”
  • Do not show system profiles in the Profile Manager
  • Categories of profiles by the object type they are created for
  • Be able to delete custom profiles that are not in use

Reflected Ceiling Plans

  • RCP (Reflected Ceiling Plans) in real-time views
  • Indicate in viewport’s name that the level displayed is a reflected ceiling plan
  • Ignore overhead representation of objects in RCP
  • Create RCP as 2D dynamic blocks with the _vaPlanView vaPlanView commandcommand


  • Tables in mm template are too small

Toolbar – Menu:

  • Changes in the VisualARQ long toolbar
  • Add _vaSelGuide vaSelGuide icon in the Select Toolbar
  • Replace icon for Wall From Solid command
  • Add the vaCurtainWallFromSurface command to the curtain wall toolbar
  • Add the _vaExportToDWG vaExportToDWG command icon command in the toolbar and menu
  • Show a Column unextend command in the toolbar
  • Show _vaSelSameType vaSelSameType command icon and the _vaSelSameStyle vaSelSameStyle command icon commands in the toolbar and menu
  • Guide toolbar
  • Add _vaProfiles vaProfiles command icon command in the right click of the vaProfileFromCurve icon
  • Add Clash and Clear icons in the toolbar
  • Install toolbars on all computer users
  • Add vaCurtainWallExtend command in the menu
  • Add the Wall Extract Path command in the Menu and wall context menu


  • Include a dll necessary to add a VisualARQ license to the Zoo
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